About Us
Jessica Robinson
Bringing knowledge and expertise gained through 20 years of experience in Talent, Leadership, and Learning & Organizational Development, I enable organizations, teams, and individuals to thrive. As an accomplished HR professional, talent and development partner, line manager, and coach, I understand the demands of leadership and management and what it takes to create high-performing teams. By applying my knowledge, skills, experience and natural positivity, I help people and teams to do their best work.
I have a Masters in Business Administration and Masters in Education (Adult Learning concentration) from University of Maryland, University College; hold Practitioner Certifications in Integrated Talent Management and Master Performance Consultant from ATD (Association of Talent Development), Organizational Development and Leadership Coaching from Linkage Inc. Additional Accreditation include: HBDI and Whole Brain Thinking, The Birkman Method, Hogan, Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, Flawless Consulting, VIEW Creative Problem Solving, and Instructional Design.
My clients know me as trusted talent and appreciate my authenticity, encouraging nature, clarity of purpose, and ability to share my knowledge and expertise in order to develop others and build business success.
I would love to hear how I can help you and your organization. Please email me at jessica.robinson@trustedtalent.llc.